Read a review of The Beast & The Beauty by Peter-james Dries For Muzic.Net.nz
A review of The Beast & The Beauty by Graham Reid for Elsewhere.co.nz
Read a more in depth question/answer thing for The Beast & The Beauty by Sunburnsout magazine, France.
Buy it here if you would like to. Your support for Scalper is appreciated. Thank you very much.

Read a review of Dust by Muzik.net

FREE Download of my debut Scalper album ‘Flesh & Bones’ to celebrate the 10th Year anniversary of it’s release. Free download will run for a limited time.
A review of the new Scalper ‘Want More’ Ep by Steve Shyu for Muzic.net.nz Thanks to Lisa & the Muzic.net team for their constant support for my musical releases. Click Here to read
Click HERE for a review of my ‘Want More’ ep by Benjamin Berton in French for Sun Burns Out magazine (FR). Merci beaucoup.
Review of the Want video by Sunburnsout blog (FR) in French HERE
Scalper ‘Want’ Ep review by Yasmin Brown for Elsewhere.co.nz HERE
Scalper ‘Want’ EP review by Sun Burns Out Magazine (FR) by Benjamin Berton HERE
Scalper ‘Want’ EP review from Musiz.net (NZ) by Paul Goddard HERE
Review for the song ‘Trojan Horses’ from the ‘Scalper Cuts EP’ released on Quixote r.p.m (FR) 2016 (French)
Album review for ‘The Emperor’s Clothes’ by NZ Musician (2016) by Ania Glowacz.
Album review for above from SunBurnsOut (2015) by Benjamin Berton in French & English.
Review for the video for ‘My Blood Your Blood on Under The Radar (NZ)
Review for the single `My Blood Your Blood’ & ‘Puppets’ by music.net.nz
Album review for ‘Butchers Bakers’ NZ Herald (2012)